Profile PictureMary Walker

Walk With Me...

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We walk, and we feel alive. We feel alive and feel the aliveness around us. We can go one step further, look closer, listen with new ears—how would we explain this to someone else? What could we offer? The feel of the air, the sounds, colours, and scents. The way the light falls, the people or animals we pass, the character of the trees we pass under…

A walk is enhanced when we pay attention to what is happening around us. And it is often the details—the particular and the precise, the very things we take for granted—that make a poem sing.

Join me as we read some “walking poems”, gather details from our walks, and learn how to craft it into a poem of our own.

Five days, five live sessions, five walks - follow along live or work at your own pace. 

The course will be run inside a closed Facebook group and will remain available for you to refer back to.

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Walk With Me...

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